India is “Diabetes Capital” of the World. One in every 11 adults have Diabetes. Worldwide in every 7 seconds, someone dies of Diabetes and in every 20 seconds someone loses leg (amputation) worldwide. Every 1.2 seconds someone develops a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). After a major amputation, 50% of people will have their other limb amputated within 2 years. Diabetes kills more people annually than breast cancer and AIDS combined. It is really disheartening that in the current era of social media (SM), when everyone of us have access to internet, still patients can’t reach a vascular specialist, most likley due to lack of awareness among general public and referring physicians. This blog by Dr. Sheorain is dedicated to diabetic foot,wound healing and amputation prevention.
Treating a DFU is an art. Not every Doctor is a specialist who can treat diabetic foot ulcers. If a patient doesn’t reach a well experienced vascular specialist, the DFU may not heal for months and finally patient may loose his leg. It is painful to see such patients with non-healing DFU, when reach a tertiary care center appear totally devastated both mentally and financially. They have lost all hopes to save their leg. The story remains same in our country, as in the begining patients keeps on consulting local doctors one after another and thus fail to reach a vascular specialist on time. However, if a patient consults a vascular specialist, he being expert tries to identify the most important factor i.e lack of blood supply causing major hindrance to ulcer healing in diabetic patients.He will advice the patients to undergo asimple but very important test called as “Colour Doppler Ultrasound” of leg. Once a diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease (PAD)is made i.e poor blood supply to foot/leg, which if not treated with angioplasty /stenting (i.e simple opening of the arteries without operation), the ulcer will never heal and patient can loose his leg. Dr. Virender Sheorain, who is trained in Best University Centers in United States of American, is among very few well experienced vascular specialists in India. His expertizes in opening up the arteries of Diabetic patients with the most advance methods. Treating a DFU involves many steps such as Angioplsty (Opening the blocked arteries of leg), planned cleaning and dressing of the ulcer/wound followed by need for VAC (vaccum assited therapy) and IDRT. It is a sincere request to the patients suffering from DFU and their relatives to consult a vascular specialist such as Dr. Virender Sheorain and go for the procedure only in hospitals having hybrid operation theater and it should be performed by an expert. The center or hospital shall have a complete team including a podiatris, who can look after not only the healing wound and can do a corrective foot adjustments so that wound/ulcer won’t re-occur in future.
Below are the example of the Diabetic foot Ulcer case streated by Dr. Virender Sheorain at Medanta The Medicity Hospital, Gurgaon.
Dr. Virender Sheorain is an exceptionally skilled & qualified Minimally Invasive Vascular & Endovascular Interventional Specialist (One who treats patients having Vascular Problems WITHOUT Open Surgery). He got his training in this rare super-specialty from the world-renowned Medical Universities of USA and India. He is COMMITTED & COMPASSIONATE towards Vascular Care. He is delivering EXPERIENCE & QUALITY in Vascular Care since last 15 years.
He can be consulted for Diabetic foot in his OPD at Medanta Hospital, Sector 38, Gurgaon. He can be reached by email or whatsapp on +919868887666 or more details visit
Please feel free to take a second opinion in case a Diabetic foot wound or ulcer or gangrene is not healing.
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