AVM of UTERUS or Uterine AVM

01 January, 2020

Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation aka AVM

I am finally writing this blog after seeing too many female patients diagnosed with Uterine AVM struggling to find out where they need to go once they were diagnosed with Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation aka AVM. A day before writing this blog, I got a call from a really worried husband of a patient who was diagnosed with uterine AVM. The first thing he told me was dear sir I need a sincere advise about Uterine AVM disease because since last 15 days all he is doing is moving from one physician to other with misleading diagnosis and round the bush treatment options advised to him.

Many of the patients whom I have treated were either referred by my previous patients or somehow they could find me on internet or social media. I wonder what would have happened if could not find us or an appropriate center where uterine AVM can be treated. Many of my patients said to me that they were advised by their gynecologist to get rid of their uterus (aka hysterctomy) or were advised by few non trained physicians to undergo some weird procedures such as putting coils in my arteries.

Most female patients with Uterine AVM typically presents as bleeding from vagina. Most have history of recent abortion or a procedure performed by gynecologist called as D&C. Initially the dignosis of Uterine AVM may be missed because other medical conditions such as retained products of conception or gestational trophoblastic disease can mimic AVM on ultrasound or lab test.

Lets have some knowledge about Uterine AVM:

Uterine arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) can cause abnormal and potentially life-threatening vaginal bleeding.

They are relatively rare, and hence its treatment should be performed by only a trained endovascular expert (for example Dr. Sheorain) who has performed enough number of uterine AVMs cases before. I would request patients with Uterine AVM to atleast consult an endo vascular expert specialist such as Dr. Sheorain, before undergoing any form of treatment.

There are many proof study that shows uterine AVMs happen in approxamately 5% of women after dilatation and curettage (D & C) and in 0.25% of women after delivery.

Uterine AVMs can present with abnormal vaginal bleeding ranging from frequent spotting to massive life threatening bleeding; menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, menometrorrhagia, and postcoital bleeding etc. Sometimes Pelvic pain or pressure, including neuropathic pain such as sciatica, can also be a presenting symptom. Because of High-flow circuit in Uterine AVMs, it can cause of high-output heart failure.

Endovascular management of uterine AVM aka embolization is the main treatment for uterine AVMs. Only those Uterine AVMs which do not respond to embolization can be treated with hysterectomy.

Dr. Sheorain’s sole purpose of writing this article or blog is to generate awareness among those who are diagnosed with Uterine AVM and don’t know whom to consult and what to do next. Dr. Sheorain is an endovascular specialist or expert who is specially trained in United States of America on how to treat AVM occuring anywhere in the human body. He has and experience of more than 15 years and he has succesfully treated many such cases and may be highest number in the country. He is more than happy to help or guide the needy patients who are diagnosed with uterine AVM and need further advice. At present he is associated with Medanta hospital, Gurgaon and he can be contacted through his webpage www.vasculardoctorindia.com or email veeru40395@gmail.com


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